Buying + Selling Real Estate: What You Need to Know

Real Estate • March 20, 2023

Buying and selling means more than finding a real estate agent to do the work that is needed.  There is also the need to make sure that you know what you want or need when you are moving with the investment.  No matter what the market, there are always different moves that you can make in order to get the right person moved in to your property.  

Leasing is one of the several ways that you can move into a real estate investment.  If you are having difficulty selling your home or property, then you can consider leasing as an option instead of selling it. If you decide to use the lease option for the property, then it means that you will become the landlord for a period of at least one year.  The tenant will have a contract that is signed for this amount of time that says to take care of the property and pay rent.  After the time period is up, the tenant will have the option of buying the property from you.  

If you are considering buying a home, this is a good first step to get into.  You will have lower payments, will be able to build your credit, and will have the option of trying out the property before you buy it.  If you are selling the property, it can also be beneficial, as it allows you to demand a higher price and move into a better market when it is time to sell.  Usually, by the time you are ready to sell, you will be able to offer a price that is ten to twenty percent higher than it would have been a year before.  

If the market isn’t right, you can’t sell your home, and the right options don’t seem to be walking through the door, then leasing is a second option that you can consider.  By leasing the property, you will have the ability to profit on either side of the fence.  

Top Ten Terms for Real Estate Loans

Everyone knows that you should never sign on the dotted line without reading the contract.  This same term applies to loans.  Signing a loan without knowing the terms and what everything means can be detrimental to your finances, credit and future investments.  Before you sign on the dotted line, make sure that you know these terms and how they will apply to you.  

1.  Interest rate.  The interest rate is the percentage of your loan that is added on every month.  The percentage will vary according to the economy and will make a difference in your payments.  

2.  Fixed Rate.  A fixed rate will be an interest rate that stays at the same percentage throughout the entire period of your loan.  

3.  Variable Rate.  A variable rate will change according to the economy and the charts that are stating what the rates should be for interest.  A variable rate usually changes every year and adjusts according to a specific given range of percentages.  

4.  Principal.  The principal is what you will be paying on your actual house.  Whatever you pay on your principal is what you will see in the end as your investment.  

5.  Escrow.  This is similar to a savings account of your loan.  Whatever you put in escrow will accumulate without paying directly into the loan.  At the end of the term you can use it to finish paying off the loan or to invest in another loan.  

6.  Title.  A title will be what you get to your home after it is officially yours, stating that the property belongs to you.  

7.  Deed.  A deed will most often be used as a title for a commercial area.  Instead of giving ownership it shows that the property is leased to the one who is using it as a business.  

8.  Home Equity.  This is a loan or line of credit that you can get for your home.  It will finance up to eight percent of your other loan and get paid back later.  This helps if you want to consolidate loans or invest more into the property.  

9.  Appraisal.  After an inspection of the home is made, an appraisal will be made.  This will be an estimated value of what the home is worth.  

10.  Equity.  This will be the actual amount of the property that you own.  Most likely, it is what is being paid off of your principal amount.  

Once you know some of these basic terms, you will be able to expand on your knowledge and find the exact loan that will fit your needs.  These basic definitions will help you in making the right decision for the type of loan that you want.  

Real Estate Investing to Profiting

Real estate doesn’t have to stop at buying a home.  There are several ways to invest, turn the property around and help you to profit.  There is always a market for making extra cash flow through properties.  It will only take understanding the market and knowing how to respond to what is available to you.  

The first thing to keep in mind if you want to invest in extra real estate is to find homes at the right time.  There will be times when the market is lower than others.  There will also be houses that have been put up for foreclosure that will have a lower price than some.  These will be the best homes to invest in at the beginning.  With a little work and a small investment, you will have the ability to turn around and make profit off of the property later on.  

Depending on the home that you decide to invest in will also determine how you can profit off of the home.  You will want to make sure that you are in a logical demographic area and that you have the ability to do what you want with the home.  Often times, those that have the home will invest some in it and sell it to someone else for higher profit.  Other times, you can keep the property and rent it or lease it in order to have more substantial profits.  No matter what you want to do, it will only take the right time of year to get what you want done with the property that you have.  

Being smart about real estate can easily bring you in money, especially if you are working with the right market.  By investing in the right properties and knowing when to turn the property around, you will have the ability to do exactly what you want with the real estate for your financial benefit.  

Home Ownership Papers Titles and Deeds

Like many other types of investments, the major thing that you will want to show at the end of the process is a piece of paper.  This is the same concept with real estate.  The type of paper that you will want to hold at the end of the loan is either a title or a deed.  This will allow you to show the locality that live in that you own the house and have paid off your loan.

A title is a document or evidence that you own the property or home that you have been paying off.  It can also mean that while someone else is on the property or land, an owner has the legal rights that are part of the property.  When you have a title as a piece of documentation, it will usually be matched in the records of the locality that you are at as well as by the one who has sold the property.  

A deed is a similar type of documentation that will be used in the process of gaining a title.  Often times, those who are investing in real estate will receive a deed as a transaction paper to the title.  This shows that the person who will be getting the property has the right to the title as well as the right to the property.  Usually, there will be several legal factors and regulations that are bound to this type of documentation in order to make sure that the transaction is fair.  

When you are about to receive a title or a deed for a home or piece of property, there are several steps you will have to take.  First, a proof of insurance will have to be shown.  You will also need copies that prove that you bought the house.  The person who is selling you the home or property will also have to have these proofs for purchase.  This includes a purchase agreement, invoices, receipts from the mortgage and proof of satisfaction that the one who is buying the property has met all of the requirements for purchase of the property.  

The last step to making your home completely yours is to make sure that you have the title or deed in your hand.  By understanding the process of getting a title, and making sure that you walk into the final closing ready to make the exchange, you can own the piece of property that you have been working towards.

Distressed Property; Is it a Positive Investment?

There are many investments that are made in real estate, most which are expected to allow the price of the property to go up.  However, sometimes the value of a property starts down.  If you have run into a property that is like this, you will want to decide if it is worth investing in.  Distressed property is one of the questions that several ask when investing into real estate.  

If a property is distressed, it means that it has not had the care and attention needed by the previous owners.  Most likely, the home is part of a foreclosure, abandoned home, or other problem and may have not been lived in for a specified amount of time.  Any distressed property will need a lot of attention given to it if you decide to invest in the property.  

Before looking at this type of property, you will want to make sure that it will be worth your investment.  While a distressed property will usually go down thousands of dollars because of the quality, it may not be cheaper.  It will be expected that you put a specific amount of work and money into the home in order to repair it and get it back up to being part of the market.  

If you are able to get an extra loan, have more money, and want to fix up a home, then a distressed property is for you.  However, if you don’t want to put in the extra effort, then finding this type of property may loose you money and comfort in your own home.  You will also need to decide whether you will be able to profit off of the investment in the long run according to the neighborhood, market, and your intentions for using the property.  

While a distressed property can benefit, it will need to fit your goals and your lifestyle in order to be an effective investment.  As long as you have assessed your financial stability and goals and are able to put in the extra money, time and work, you can take a distressed property and turn it into what you want.  This will give the property the dream of moving from rags to riches.   

Defining a Real Estate Team

Finding a place to call home is one of the ultimate goals of anyone who is using the term real estate.  However, actually moving into finding that home includes much more than packing boxes and moving in.  Not only will you have to find a home, but you will also have to find the right resources and people to help you achieve your goal of finding exactly what you want.  

The first person that you will want to include on your team is a real estate agent.  When you are trying to find a real estate agent, you will want to make sure they have the right credentials and understand your goals.  Real estate agents will be the mediators between you and the right home, as well as the other people that will be considered on the list.  

Often times, you will want to find a broker as well as real estate agent, or one who can wear both hats.  Brokers will have the ability to sell you their own properties instead of going through a third person and will also be able to show you what property is available.  This can be an advantage if you want to save money or don’t want to deal with a third source.  

After you have examined the various places and are set on investing in a specific place, you will want to begin finding others who will help you with the rest of the process.  Either you or your real estate agent will be responsible for finding an inspector.  The house that you are buying will need to be looked at in order to make sure everything from plumbing to wiring is in the right place.  

The last person that will need to be on the real estate team is a lender.  Often times, lenders will be a bank that works through a lending company.  You will want to make sure that the lenders or the company you are working with understand what type of investment you are trying to make and how this will make a difference in what you are trying to do.  

If you want property, you will also want the right people in the right place to make sure that you achieve your goals.  Finding the above people that will have your best interests in mind can help you to move in faster and more efficient.  By getting the right people in place, you can pack your bags and know that you won’t be waiting for a better place to show up next year.

Counting the Dollar 

If you are deciding to move into a home, it is more than getting on the right grounds.  More important than any part of the real estate business are the investments and finances that are a part of the process.  If you are looking at any type of property, you will want to invest some of your time to becoming familiar with the financial options that are available to you.  

The first set of terms you will want to familiarize yourself with is with loans.  There are several types of loans and arrangements of loans that are available.  If you don’t get the right one, you can end up paying more than you want or need with a specific type of investment.  You will want to know how the loans are divided, exactly what you will be paying on, and how this will affect your investment in the real estate.  

After this, you will want to look into your own finances in order to see how they will balance with the loans.  If you have other loans, such as car loans or student loans, it will be important to factor this into what you will be paying with your home loan.  You will also want to check on things such as your credit report and your financial plan.  Your history of finances and your present situation makes a large difference in what you are able to pay on a property.  

If you aren’t finding something that fits exactly right, it will simply be a matter of changing the rules a little.  Even though you will mostly be looking at the ways you will be spending money and how this will change your lifestyle, you can also look at ways to deduct the money back off of your investment.  There are options for deductions off of taxes and investment deals if you need to pinch pennies for other types of needs.  

More than being able to pay thousands of dollars every month is the need to make sure you are getting into the right deal.  Understanding and evaluating your situation and seeing how it will fit into a loan plan will make a large difference in the type of investment you make.  Before putting your money somewhere else, you should always make sure that it is a place worthwhile to you.  

Types of Real Estate Investments

The idea of real estate and property is much more than just finding a home.  There are categories of homes and business properties as well as divisions in the types of real estate that are available to others.  If you want to make a different type of investment in something that you know you can make a profit out of, then knowing the different types of real estate investments can help.  

Real estate investments begin with two major types; business and residential.  Each of these has specific guidelines set with them which will make a difference in the functions of the real estate.  After you have determined what type of real estate you will be looking at, you can divide up what is available to you.  

If you are looking at pure residential areas, then the real estate will be divided by the size of the home.  Typically, this will be known as a single family or multi-family home.  If you are looking at a multi-family unit, you can expect to have neighbors sharing the same wall as you, such as condos or town homes.  A single family home will be completely independent and will usually be shaped differently because the neighbors can’t cross the yard.  

Business real estate is also divided into several categories.  These will also often be referred to as commercial properties, and will range from office buildings to manufacturing sites.  The difference between a business building and a residential building is that it will change the approach towards regulations.  Most likely, there will be zoning rules and the lease will have different divisions for things such as taxes and insurance.  

If you are in the right area, you might have the opportunity to have both a commercial and residential area in one.  Things such as land investments or areas that have been zoned for commercial purposes may have these types of regulations.  With this, you can also consider renting a property.  If you want to have a business from home or want to expand into a business, this might be something to consider.    

The investment that you decide to make can be more than your home.  It can also be something that will bring you back profit for the investment.  If you are interested in finding a space that is much more than cozy, than knowing the different types of real estate to invest in is the place to begin.  

xo, Merissa

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